Paulus VI Evangelii nuntiandi "Sine tuo numine, nihil est in homine, nihil est innoxium." Den Förlorade Sonen kl. 10:12 Inga kommentarer: 


and an ax (an ancient Roman symbol of authority called a fasces). The state motto, “Nil Sine Numine” (Nothing Without Providence), is found below the shield.

Automatic translation: Similar phrases in dictionary Latin English. (9) under God's Spirit she flourishes. nothing without the divine will. authority, command, deity, divine, divine majesty, divine sway, divine will, divinity, god, god-head, goddess, nod, numen, power of the gods, supreme authority, will. nil si•ne nu•mi•ne (nēl sin′e no̅o̅′mi ne; Eng. nil sin′ē no̅o̅′mi nē, nyo̅o̅′-), USA pronunciation [Latin.] Foreign Terms nothing without the divine will: motto of Colorado. Nil sine numine.

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Nil sine numine - Nothing  1929-02-28. SB 152-1929 1964-03-31. Motto · Nil sine numine ( Latin : Ingenting utan försörjning ), NIL SINE NUMINE, 1861-11-06 1876-11-06. CRS 24-80-901. Fasad.

State Name & Nickname. The name of our state, Colorado, has its origin in the Spanish language, …

latine, lat-000, nil sine numine. bokmål, nob-000, Nilsinetjørnin.

sig illa och barbariskt åt med sine bönder. Domarne fennorum numine (Väinämöisestä, muinaisten suo- corum fennorum numine (Om Väinämöinen, fornfin-.

Sine numine

2. på westra sidan . Divino SINE NUMINE FAUSTUM EST NL . Lars Lundkvist. Till Fanny Maria och Anna Kristina och Martina Divino sine numine faustum est nihil. Paulus VI Evangelii nuntiandi "Sine tuo numine, nihil est in homine, nihil est innoxium." Den Förlorade Sonen kl. 10:12 Inga kommentarer:  Exercitus sine duce, corpus est sine spiritu – "En här utan ledare är som en Nil sine numine – "Ingenting utom Försynen"; Nisi Dominus frustra – "Om inte  Exercitus sine duce, corpus est sine spiritu -- "En här utan ledare är Nil sine numine -- "Ingenting utom Försynen"; Noli me tangere -- "Rör  Colorado, Colorado blå gran, larkbunting, vit-och-lavendel columbine, Centennial State, Nil Sine Numine (ingenting utan försörjning).

Without Thy Godhead nothing can, have any price or worth in man, nothing can harmless be. Lava quod est sordidum, riga quod est aridum, sana quod est saucium. Lord, wash our sinful stains away, refresh from heaven our barren clay, our wounds and bruises heal. Flecte quod est rigidum, The Colorado state motto is one of the many Latin mottos of U. S. states. This Latin motto "Nil Sine Numine" is commonly translated as "Nothing without Providence" or "Nothing without God" but actually a more correct translation suggests "Nothing Without the Deity".
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loss without injury is deemed possible. dat inania verba, dat sine mente sonum. 2 days ago · The Latin phrase Nil sine Numine is commonly translated as "Nothing without Providence," but it was specifically stated in a government committee report that the original designers of the Colorado state seal (which includes the phrase "Nil sine Numine… Contextual translation of "non sine numine" into English.
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Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "nil sine numine".Found in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned.

mihi causas memora quo numine laeso quidve dolens · simulato numine bacchi · perverso numine · sine tuo numine · dei sub numine viget · meo sine numine  the USA (Latin) Let's find possible answers to "National motto of the USA (Latin )" crossword clue. Nil sine Numine (Nothing without Providence) Connecticut. Arcana Imperia - Nil Sine Numine (Letra e música para ouvir) - Back again into a world of sorrow / In the deepest agony / I follow my steps… / Open my eyes to a  Location for “nil sine numine”.

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O, saligaste ljus, fyll hjärtats innersta hos dina trogna. Sine tuo numine, nihil est in homine, nihil est innoxium. Utan din försyn ait , sine numine vincis ; Exhibita estque Thetis : confeffam amplectitur heros , Et potitur votis , ingentique implet Achille . Når Fulgentius wil utreda thenna dicht  Consilio ATQUE SAPIENTIA ClbRiS MAJORUM EXEMPLIS Animis ET , FELICIBUS ARMIS . 2.